Sunday, April 20, 2008

Shameless Plug!

Okay, I have a few things to post today:

This is my 200th post! Part of me is really impressed that I have that many, and the other part can not beleive I have done so FEW! LOL

Since I started tracking how many visitors come to my blog (I think I started that in November, 2006), I have had over 5,000 hits! Might not be much compared to some, but I am impressed. :-)

Now... here is the shameless plug part!

Want to be a part of a fledgling message board? Want to have a place on the web to share and learn from other women about taking care of the homes and families? Then head on over to "One Frugal Mom"'s message board! Here is the link:

One Frugal Mom's Message board

Thank you,



Mom2fur said...

Well, first, congratulations on your blogging milestone!
Second, plug else would we know you had a message board? It looks interesting and I just joined!

Anonymous said...

Amen to your shameless plug Mollie!!

It would be nice to get some more members!

Mountian Momma

Nicole said...

Thanks for the shameless plug, Molly! I had signed up ages ago and forgotten about it when I took a break from message boards.

Can't wait to jump in!