Saturday, June 25, 2005

Yard Sale adventures

Okay, so I started the day picking up some old patterns that a very nice lady posted on the local freecycle group, then headed for some yard sales.

First let me state that it has been over two years since I have gone yard-saling. With our move last year and the preparing of the old house for saling the previous summer, I just didn't have the time. So, I figured..."why not?" I have been looking for a pressure canner, and I just can not bring myself to purchase one new, although I might save up for next year, since I have having NO luck finding one this summer. :-(

After almost three hours and $13.00 later, I called it a day. Although I didn't find much, my children loved their new toys.

DS (6) got a toy motorcycle, an out-doors set (bats and balls) and a nice t-shirt. DD (4) got a Dragon Tales game, a bubbles set and a very nice Fisher-Price learning set. The type with a chalk board and templates to write letters and words. She has been playing with that almost non-stop.

DSD (17) got two nice shelves to put up in her room, and I got some books and a wall decoration for my kitchen.

Not bad entertainment for a saturday morning.....maybe next time I will find a pressure canner.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Unexpected bargains and school's out

We had one of the best meals last night. YUMM!

I went to the store on Wednesday morning, and I just happened to go by the fish department. They had salmon filets on sale for $4.99 lb.......and there were some packages that were getting close to "sale by" dates, so there were coupons for $2.00 off those packages. Each package ranged from just over $3.00 to $2.50 BEFORE the coupon! Needless to say, I bought eight packages. Merinaded them in Teriyaki sauce and then smoked them on the grill! I just LOVE finding bargains like that, because I do not get salmon often because of the price.

We are only half-way through the first day out of school and goodness!!!!! I have already had to deal with full-out fit from my five-year old and had to referre (sp?) an argument between my 17 and 19 year-old. Sooooooo..... how long until the end of August???? LOL

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Random Thoughts

Okay....I used to think up all sorts of things that I could write about...... Until, of course, I set up a Blog. :-(

Now, I can never think of anything to post. Either that, or I am just not interesting anymore. LOL

What has been on my mind lately? My mother is moving away! :'-( (Does that look like crying?)

Instead of her being only 3 hours away.....she will be about 24 hours away!

Now, this really shouldn't be a big deal....I am actually all for her moving. It is the best thing for her...not only financially, but for her general health also.

I wish she could move closer, but right now, that is just not possible. Maybe once some of my older kids move out, there will be room, but that is not an option now.

My sister is also moving with her. I am so glad that she is, but that just means another family member moving away! look on the brighter side! :-) She will have things a little better financially. She will have less demands on her time from my brother and his family. She will also be able to visit more often...even though she will be living farther away. (she will have more money for travel). Also, this will give me an excuse to go back to Texas to visit. Something I haven't done in oh.....over 20 years! (Goodness, when did I get old enough to say a thing like that!!!)

We have until the first of the year to get used to the idea....I will be spending ALOT of time visiting this summer.

Well, it is late and I need to be calling it a night. Talk to you soon.
