Saturday, November 11, 2006

When you can not decide what to blog about...

I have so many different things that I want to write about, but can not decide if I should or not.

First, and I can not beleive I am blogging this..... I am thinking of trying out cloth sanitary napkins. Yeah, I know... "EEEEWWW". I did that also, at first. Now, the idea is growing on me. LOLOLOLOL I have read several posts from SEVERAL ladies that they love them. So, I am thinking of sewing up a few and giving them a try.

Also, on a more serious note. I am SO sick and tired of "good" meaning christians telling me that I am in a cult! UUGH! If they only stopped and thought about it, they would realize how misguided that truly is. I am a Christain thru and thru. Because I belong to a faith that does not beleive in the doctrine of the trinity (which is not found in the Bible), I must belong to a cult. What phooey!

Okay, that felt good to get off my chest!

There are other things, but I figured that was enough for now.


Kayla said...

You mean you're NOT part of a cult?!?!? *Kayla jots this down in her handy dandy little notebook* hehe, you know I wub ya!

Molly said...

I wub you too Kayla! HUGS!!