Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What I am Grateful For:

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What I am grateful for:

1. Jehovah God
2. His Son, Jesus
3. God’s word, The Bible.
4. My wonderful Husband
5. Ian
6. Ainsley
7. Heather
8. Jennifer
9. Donald
10. Mom
11. Becky, my sister
12. Rich, my brother and his family
13. Kathy, my sister-in-law and her family
14. Joan, my mother-in-law
15. Even my sister-in-law, April, that I have never met and probably never will and her family.

16. Ability to practice the religion of my choice
17. Aloe Vera plants
18. Antibiotics
19. Apples
20. Baby Blues (cartoon)
21. Bean Soup
22. Bees
23. Birds
24. Biscuits, hot from the oven
25. Books
26. Brigadoon (movie)
27. Butterflies
28. Butterfly kisses
29. Calvin and Hobbes (cartoon)
30. Carnations
31. Cartoons
32. Cats (Cosmo and Payne)
33. Cell phones
34. Clothes Dryers
35. Colored pencils
36. Cookbooks
37. Corn bread
38. Cotton
39. Crayons
40. Cross-stitching
41. Cucumbers
42. Dogs (Rocket)
43. Earthly Paradise
44. Fall
45. Fall Leaves
46. fishies (aquarium type)
47. Flowers
48. Food in my pantry
49. Gardens
50. Goldfish crackers
51. Gone With the Wind (book and movie)
52. Googly eyes
53. Home
54. Ice cubes
55. Internet (for information and friends)
56. Jumping in a pile of leaves
57. Lettuce
58. Lighthouses
59. Lobster
60. Mangos
61. Miss Kayla, in Georgia
62. Miss Norma, my WW Friend
63. Miss Sharon, my Mary Kay Director
64. Miss Sue, my WW leader
65. Miss Theresa, in Florida
66. Miss Traci
67. Money (The fact that we have enough for bills and a few “extras”)
68. Moon
69. My spiritual brothers and sisters
70. Oxygen
71. paints
72. Panthers
73. Pasta
74. Pictures of loved ones
75. Pine Trees
76. Pink, the color
77. Purple anything
78. Rainbows
79. Resurrection Hope
80. Roses
81. Salmon (Yummy)
82. Sewing machines
83. Shrimp
84. Slides
85. Spring
86. Stars
87. Story books
88. Summer
89. Sun
90. Sun-ripened tomatoes
91. Swings
92. Teapots (I collect them)
93. Thrift stores
94. Trees
95. Upright freezer, to store my meat deals
96. Washing machines
97. Water
98. Wild animals
99. Wine
100. Winter
101. Zoos

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