Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Menu funk!

Yes, I said it! I am in a menu funk! Nothing sounds good lately! I feel as if I fix the same things over and over!

The weird part....it has now gotten colder, so I can make soups and stews.....but am I motivated? NO!

I really need to get my cookbooks out. I also have a TON of crockpot recipes to go through. (Thanks Kayla!)

What do you do when you get in a "menu funk"? Or is it just something that I go through? LOL

**Other than having no voice, nothing exciting is going on here currently.**


Kayla said...

You've been tagged!!!


Unknown said...

I have the same problem, Molly! Of course, I think part of mine right now is that dh is off in Chicago... and it just isn't as fun to cook for the kids... you know?