Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Thing have been so busy around here!

School is now in full swing, I have been looking for a job (part-time during school hours) and my poor little girl had to deal with her first pet death.

Having a pet taken to the vet and not returning is something she HAS experienced, but that is somewhat "unreal" to a child her age. This time it was different. Her little hamster (Nibble) passed away while she was at school last Friday (8-31). I sat her down and talked with her after she got home from school. We cried together...she wanted to see him, and then we had a small graveside service on Saturday under a favorite tree. Daddy dug the grave and I wrote a little note on a stone for the grave.

Although it is still a sad thing for her...she is handling it rather well.

Once some time has gone by... we will consider getting her a new one, but for now, she wants to just "remember" Nibble.

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