Saturday, July 07, 2007

A Canning Dilemma

Okay.... if there are any canners out there, I have a question.

Back when we were remodeling the kitchen, I got the privilege of picking out a new stove. I had always longed for a glass top that is what I picked!

Fast forward and year.... Now I want to learn to can. I have all these plans of lining my cupboards with rows of tomatoes, pickles, green beans and anything else I could grow and process. Guess what???? I was told that I could not use a canner on a glass top stove!!

Has anyone out there had any experience with this? Will it truly break a glass top stove? I mean, how is this any different than any other cooking you do? I mean, I don't plan to process any water bath items for hours. And what about a pressure canner? You do not process that for hours! Why would this really pose a danger to my glass?

Or is this a case of CYOB* for the manufacturers??

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

*Cover your own bottom

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Contact the company and ask them. SOme companies apparently say you can, whilst some do the CYOB*! If all else fails, you can purchase something like a counterrop burner or a camping stove. Do you have a propane grill with a burner? You can use that! Think outside the box!