Saturday, May 05, 2007

Phases in our lives.....

Sorry I have not posted recently, life has been busy...and well, I have been considering an end to a phase in my life.

Several months DH and I decided to have another child. Well, honestly, it was my idea. He just said he would let me decide and if that is what I wanted, he was fine either way.

Several months later, no pregnancy and my life was busy with projects with the kids school and even substitute teaching. Doubts about another child started forming.... the changes that I would need to make, the things I would be unable to do with my two that I have already had. And most importantly.....WHY did I want another child!

What it came down to....I did not want to face the end of that phase in my life! The thought of my "baby-making" days being over was something I did not want to deal with...but I needed to. After much prayer, contemplation, and talks with DH (tears included)...I have decided to end that phase of my life and move on to enjoying fully the two I have. I enjoy being active in their school. I even enjoy being able to substitute teach there. (Especially the preschool classes).

Although, there will always be that part of me that goes "ohhhh" when I see a newborn baby...I am ready to say that I am content with the children I have. I am SO thankful they are healthy and happy.

So.... as I readjust my mindset....I will be looking for new opportunities to "broaden" my horizens. LOL

****Just a note. If for some reason, we ever do get a "surprise"...I would have no problem switching back to that role. It is just not something I am intentionally going to pursue!

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