Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I have been TAGGED!

This is a first...LOL I am actually kinda excited that someone thought of me!

It was my Xanga blog that was officially tagged, but since I don't post there often...and when I do, it is about weight loss, so I am posting it here. hee hee hee

The Rules:

1. Each player lists 8 random facts/habits about themselves
2. At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names
3. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged and to read your blog.

The eight things about me:

1. I always wanted to be a novelist, but have not written any fiction since I was 22.

2. I have a phobia concerning snakes! My heart races and I feel as if I can not breathe when I see one that is not in a cage.

3. I am supposedly related to Cheif Osceola....but have no proof, just family legend.

4. I took college level courses in the 7th grade. (Experimental program)

5. I love Logic Problems...but greatly dislike Crossword puzzles.

6. I hope to travel to Scotland someday to see where DH's ancestors came from.

7. Both of my "second" toes are larger than my big toes.

8. I was the first girl born on my father's side of the family in 4 generations.

Okay....who will I tag??? Like Merchant Ships, ArmyofFive, Rubygirl, and Homekeeper at Heart. (Okay...I don't read many blogs, so I can only tag four people.)

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