Saturday, September 30, 2006

More detail of the past week.

Okay everyone,

So, this past week was not one that I would like to repeat any time soon. LOL

Monday was not bad, just a normal day. Woke of Tuesday morning with a bit of a headache. It had the feel of a possible migraine, so I chose to stay home that morning instead of going out in service. By about 10:30 am, my headache had cleared, I was happy.

I decided to head to the school. Not only to meet up with I and A for their lunches, but I needed to take care of a book issue at the school library. I do all that, have lunch with first I, then A. Say bye and head to the store.

While I am at the checkout at Walmart, my phone rings. Hmmmm.... it's the school's number. I answer and the school nurse says, "Mrs. Fraser, I has had an accident on the monkey bars. He says his arm hurts and I believe he needs to be checked."

"I am just checking out at the Warrenton, Walmart. I will be there as fast as the law will allow." Was my response. I was on my way.

I get to the school about 2:15 p.m. (yes, I did the MAX speed, but I did go over it!) Talked with I and decided, this was not just a "boo-boo" this required a doctor's knowledge, plus x-rays. Called DH, got A from her class and hit the road. STopped long enough for J to jump in the van. (She would stay in the waiting room with A.) and we were at the ER by 2:48 pm (the time on my sign-in form).

Our ER is wonderful....they "fast track" all kids. We went back immediately. After evaluation, they sent for the x-ray tech. Once she came and did her thing, we then waited. (DH had shown up before the x-rays were done).

The doctor got the x-rays back, both bones in his left wrist are broken. Fortunately, kids his age heal really fast, so he should only need his cast for 4-6 weeks. Filled him up with kids tylenol and motrin after putting on a temporary cast, and home we go.

I was able to get an early am appointment with the orthopedic doctor. Ian choose a "sky blue" cast. (He was very specific, it HAD to be sky blue. LOL)

We have a follow up visit in 4 weeks for new x-rays and then we will see where we go from there.

Yes, I am glad that week is OVER!

Hug your kids.....YOU need it!

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