Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Random thoughts with no particular theme

Okay, I want to try and make my blog "my own" so to speak. You know different backgrounds.... Different arrangments of items. Now I just need to figure out how. LOL Some of you out there make it look SOOOOO easy! (yes, I am directing this at you Kayla! :-P ) I guess I will be spending my time researching the internet for information on...well, I guess coding! LOL I will need to figure out just WHAT I need to look up!

My little sister gave me some websites to visit to hopefully learn "html"...LOL Yeah right! We will see if this old dog can learn some new tricks.

Oh I remember what I was going to post about when Blogger was having "technical difficulties".

I got a new toy:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I have been playing with some $1 a yard Walmart fabric...trying to get a feel for it. I have a pair of shorts for DD5....that I will use my serger to "finish". I hope I don't ruin them in the process. LOL


Kayla said...
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Kayla said...

You are the 2nd person I've read a blog post from today that has directed HTML at me. You know I'll help ya as soon as time permits! I'll take a look at your source codes now!