Monday, April 24, 2006

Bagel updates

When we last left our struggling baker, she was discouraged by her abysmal bagels.........

I did not try again on Thursday, but I did make some on Friday. Here is a picutre of the results:

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As you can tell, these were not any different than the first ones I tried to make. So, my search for a new and different recipe was on....

The first recipe was from Rhonda Barfields "Feed your family for $12.00 a day", the next recipe came from Tawra Kellam's "Dining on a Dime" cookbook. I have come to trust these cookbooks, so I could not understand my problem.

I then decided to look at some of my other cookbooks, like my Better Homes and Gardens one.....I found one! And here are the results:

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The biggest difference in this recipe was broiling the bagels before boiling them! This way, they retained their shape when I put them in the boiling water. Not only do they look nice, they taste good also!

Anyways, I made these on Sunday.... I will start making them more often. I also plan to make some for the freezer!

Just thought I would let everyone know how my bagel project went..... have a great day!


Kayla said...

WOWSERS MS! Those are BEEYOOTIFUL!!! I have a BHG book as well from 72 IIRC. I think I'll see if it's in mine as well! THNX for the tidbit, and I'll be over bright and early fro brek tomorrow! LOL

Molly said...

kayla, if you weren't so far away, I would have you over some time!

Meredith said...

What a difference! I've been meaning to try these with my little one. You may have just saved me from a very unhappy 4-year-old.

Ann said...

Oh my those are lovely. I wait for your recipe to be posted on Mrs. S. I have got to try these.