Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My way.

On one of the message boards that I love, there is a thread concerning a "sister issue".

The issue in a nut-shell....the poster's sister wanted to take her daughter out to eat for her brithday. Nothing wrong there, but she wanted her sister to dress 'appropriately" and to not listen to "her music". Her sister got mad and hung up on her and now she is not sure what to do.

Now, for the responses. I was truly surprised at how many people thought the poster should call and "apologize" for asking her to dress a certain way and to not listen to her own music! Call me old-fashion (which I would not mind!) or even over-protective, but if I am allowing MY child/ren to go with a family member (or even a close friend), that does not mean that I am giving up my right, my God-given right to control what my child is exposed to!

I would be the one OFFENDED if my wishes concerning my children were not respected. Even if the family member/friend did not agree with my decision. Unless I am putting my child/ren in danger or at risk, then they need to respect that I am raising my child/ren the way I (I guess I really should say "we" since my DH and I are usually on the same page) feel is best for them.

Okay, I will put my soap-box away for now. Have a great night everyone.

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