Sunday, November 11, 2007

Getting back to frugal "basics"!

Okay, I have been lazy! I admit it. I have just not felt like "doing" anything that took the extra effort to save money!

Okay... I take that back.... I have been making lunches and baking cookies, but other than that... not much else lately!

Menus have NOT been made in months... which usually means EXTRA trips to the grocery store each week! Not only am I spenind extra money on groceries, but also in gas.

I will plan a menu for next week (monday is already planned, bean soup and cornbread).. plus start making the effort to save anyway I can!

Do you find yourself in "ruts" like this also? If so, how to do you get out of it?


SAHMmy Says said...

Christmas coming should give you the jumpstart you need! Get back on track with your budget, make out a menu plan (I put holiday dinners in a separate budget category from regular meals)and work those coupons! Track how much you save and add it to the Christmas budget, or donate it to charity. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Discipline and stick to your budget are easy things to say, but very difficult to follow for some people, but sometimes there is a need to loosen a budget a little bit as variation and to reduce money discipline stress, or you can just create a stress relieve budget to compensate as other alternative.

Christmas spending can also go into a monthly budget. The year by year spending for it, is just about the same, so we can save each month for it and don't have to scrappe the bottom of our pocket and wallet for cash to spend on Christmas.

J.C. Carvill

Melissa said...

I think what helps me is to divide the year into quarters. At the end of each quarter, we purposely plan a "treat" in there to keep us motivated.

Kind of like with the kids...if they get so many stickers on the chore chart, they earn a pre-determined "prize", the same can go for us.

Make it something that you don't usually do--we have eliminated eating out in order to pay down our debt, and for our treat we have a date night where we get to go to a restaurant. Looking forward to those things keeps me motivated.

Lisa B. said...

I just got out of a rut also. As I keep plugging away at this it seems the time between the ruts gets longer and the "rutting" time gets shorter as I learn more and more.

Hang in there with me! I know we can do it.