Monday, October 16, 2006

What did they eat in the Middle Ages, mom?

That is the question that my little man asked at dinner tonight. Now, this in itself is not that big of a deal. I encourage it, actually.

We were having a somewhat boring meal of oven-roasted chicken, mashed potatos, green beans and italian bread. Little man wanted to know if this is something they would have eaten in the middle ages. DH and I went into the yes, please veggies that they could grow, along with deer meat, birds and also a coarser kind of bread.

Then....***drumroll please*** "I asked you mom because I know you are old and you were there in the middle ages." Completely serious. I calmly explained to my beloved little man that although mommy is getting up there in age, she was NOT alive in the middle ages. I know what they ate, because I have read books about life in the middle ages.

Sigh.... I am now "old" in my 7 year-old's eyes.

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