Monday, May 29, 2006


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This is what we saw today. Although I do not feel it was AS GOOD as the previous two, I still liked it. I guess I just wanted more depth of story. I mean the special effects were great, but I wanted more story! LOL I guess that is a female thing, huh. LOL

The weekend was nothing exciting. DH and DsS16 went on a Boy Scout rafting trip, the other two older ones had their plans, and DD5 was SICK! We spent the weekend, from 3:30 am Saturday until Sunday dealing with fevers and throwing up. Thankfully the fever broke during the early hours of we felt that if she went 24 hours without a fever or throwing up, she was okay for the movies. She was fine. She actually ate this morning. It's amazing what promising a movie trip will do. LOL

**Disclaimer** I know there are ones out there that do not agree with sci-fi/fantasy movies. That is fine for you and your family. For my family, we enjoy them, so please, no comments about those types of movies. Thank you.

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