Monday, July 13, 2009

The economy....

Like many people we have been efffected by the economy. For us, it was mainly just the increase prices more than anything else, but not anymore.

Starting with the final pay period of this month, DH is "receiving" a pay cut. :-( It is not major, but it will take some adjusting.

We are trying to look on the positive and remind ourselves that a small paycut is much better than a pink slip!

In response to this new pay rate, I will be increasing my efforts in the area of getting the most for my grocery dollar.

Here are my first line of defense:

1. Making a menu and STICKING to it! No more, "I don't feel like ____" and then running to the store for something that does not need to defrost!

2. Making better use of leftovers. This is something I have been bad about lately.

3. Making even MORE things from scratch. (I need to find a sub roll recipe for DH's lunches)

4. I will NOT impulse buy anymore!

There will be more things I will add to my list, plus I will go back and read some of my earlier blog posts when I was alot more strict in the grocery area.

1 comment:

As Simply As We Can said...

Take heart, it can be done and you'll be fine. :-) My dh has only had about 13 weeks of work for the entire year so far! My goodness but it's rough. I'm hoping the dry spell is now over. Good luck to you! You'll have to share your menu plans with us.~~