Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Okay first off....Prayers beign said for all those affected by Katrina. My hearts bleeds for those that have died and also those left behind.

Opinionated people really irritate me! LOL

Okay, everyone is entitled to have one.....I have many. I get irritated by the ones that believe that their is the ONLY one that matters.

Example.....someone that has a newborn, her first child, is telling other mothers how to deal with their children. That they need to put themselves and their spouses first! That the child/ren need to learn that they need to wait their turn. Okay...you can laugh now if you like. She will soon learn the errors of her ways!

I am sorry, I knew before I had my children that I would have to put some things on the back burner for awhile. DH also knows that he is my husband and he will be with me until I die......our children won't. They are supposed to grow up and move on. So if he can not have my attention whenever he wants for a year or two....he can adjust! LOL

Yes, I know there are come mothers out there that completely shut out their DH's when it comes to the children, but I am not one of them. They do so at their OWN risk!

Okay...enough ranting tonight.

I hope everyone has a great evening......talk to you soon

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