Saturday, May 31, 2008

I am still alive...

My life has been REALLY busy. We were gone for Memorial Day weekend... I then worked three of the four days of school that week. Then add in two nights of awards at the high school for my senior... I have not done much at all.. least of which online.

On the home front... my 20 year old step daughter is taking the navy exam on the third of June. If she does not pass, then she has to enlist in the army! (Yeah, tough love going on here!) We got her a book to help her pass the exam, but her idea of studying is not what I would call studying! But as DH says, "she knows what will happen if she fails"... so there is not much I can do about her lack of studying.

We have most of our garden in! YIPPEE! I planted a long row of bush beans today. DH wanted to know WHY I did not do both. LOL I told him that I would like to stagger the time of harvest. If we get a yeild like last year, I will have plenty to can! I did not have my pressure canner last year... so this I hope to end the season with rows of nice jars of home canned green beans! (yes, I can already see them!)

My blueberries are coming along wonderfully! I will actually get some this year! Nothing like I will once the bushes really get going though!

So... how are your gardens growing???


Unknown said...

Sounds like you've got your hands full, Molly! I've had to begin the process of tomato staking. One was sort of falling over, so I've tied it to a stick. People in the neighborhood probably think I'm nuts because I have them in planters near my sidewalk, most people have geraniums or something, but, I, I have... tomatoes!

Sheree said...

Hey there! Waiting ever so patiently for another update on that garden!! (and on you, of course)