Friday, June 17, 2005

Unexpected bargains and school's out

We had one of the best meals last night. YUMM!

I went to the store on Wednesday morning, and I just happened to go by the fish department. They had salmon filets on sale for $4.99 lb.......and there were some packages that were getting close to "sale by" dates, so there were coupons for $2.00 off those packages. Each package ranged from just over $3.00 to $2.50 BEFORE the coupon! Needless to say, I bought eight packages. Merinaded them in Teriyaki sauce and then smoked them on the grill! I just LOVE finding bargains like that, because I do not get salmon often because of the price.

We are only half-way through the first day out of school and goodness!!!!! I have already had to deal with full-out fit from my five-year old and had to referre (sp?) an argument between my 17 and 19 year-old. Sooooooo..... how long until the end of August???? LOL

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