Friday, April 20, 2007

Prayers to all the families affected

by the violence of Monday.

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Tears flow.........

Friday, April 13, 2007

Well...I gave in....slightly.

Okay, my dear little daughter has been wanting her hair cut for weeks now. I have said "no", "not yet", and "when you are older" MANY, MANY TIMES! LOL

She wanted her hair to be like "sally's"....unfortunately, "sally's" hair is thin and straight, so her short bob looks good on her. Lays flat and straight. Well, my dear daughterr's hair is naturally Curly, with a capital "C", and I tried to explain to her that her hair would not look like "sally's" no matter how much her wanted it to... LOL

Anyways, now to the "giving in" part. :-D I agreed to trim her hair some....not alot (even though it looks like it), but mostly to get rid of some of the rough ends that keep getting tangled. Although I barely cut 2 inches off, the lighter weight made the remaining length just spring up. LOL

Here is the before:
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and now the after:

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Oh...she wanted I gave her some..... well, just a slight amount.

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See....she got her hair cut and I still have enough to braid and put up in ponytails!